=18. Proper Names
Capitalize all proper names. A proper name is one
that designates a particular person, place, or thing. In particular:
=19. Titles of Books, etc
Capitalize the first word and all the
important words in the titles of books, newspapers, magazines, magazine
articles, poems, plays, pictures, etc.: that is, the first word and all
other words except articles, demonstratives, prepositions, conjunctions,
auxiliary verbs, relative pronouns, and other pronouns in the possessive
case. A the preceding the title of a newspaper or a magazine is
regarded as part of the title and is capitalized.
Two copies of The Atlanta Constitution
were produced.
=20. Names and Titles of the Deity
Capitalize names and titles of the
Deity and of Jesus Christ.
=21. Names of the Bible
Capitalize names of the Bible and other
sacred books, of the versions of the Bible, and of the books and
divisions of the Bible and other sacred books. Do not capitalize
adjectives derived from such names.
The Koran, the Septuagint, the Old
Testament, Psalms; but biblical, scriptural,
=22. Titles of Respect, Honor, Office, or Profession
titles of respect, honor, nobility, office, or profession when such
titles immediately precede proper names. Do not capitalize such titles
elsewhere in the sentence. The prefix ex- before a title is not
capitalized and does not affect the capitalization of the title.
The Rev. Samuel Plantz, President Wilson,
ex-President Roosevelt, Senator Newlands.
The archbishop and the senator were in
conference all the morning with Mr. Bryan, former
secretary of state under President Wilson.
=23. Names Indicating Nationality or Locality
Capitalize names
distinguishing nationality or locality: as, Yankee, Creole,
Hoosier, Wolverines.
=24. Names of Athletic Teams
Capitalize names of athletic teams: as,
Giants, Cubs, Badgers, Tigers, Maroons.
=25. Festivals and Holidays
Begin the names of festivals and holidays
with capital letters: as, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Labor
=26. Societies, Political Parties, etc
Write with capitals the names
of clubs, secret societies, religious denominations, colleges, political
parties, corporations, railroads, and organizations generally: as
Riverview Country club, Elks, Baptist church, Mills college,
Republican party, Santa Fe railroad, etc.
=27. Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers used to denote sessions of
congress, political divisions, and city wards are written with capital
letters: as, Sixty-second congress, Tenth precinct, Third ward,
=28. Names of Buildings, Squares, Parks, etc
Names of buildings,
blocks, squares, parks, drives, etc., are capitalized: as, Times
building, Temple block, Yellowstone park, Sheridan road, etc.
=29. Common Nouns Joined with Proper Names
Capitalize any common noun
joined with a proper name and meaning the same thing, when the common
noun precedes. Do not capitalize the common noun if it follows the
proper name. Thus: Columbia university, University of Chicago,
First Presbyterian church, Church of the Savior, National Bank of
North America, First National bank, Memorial day, Fourth of July.
=30. Boards, Committees, Legislative Bodies, etc
Do not capitalize
names of boards, bureaus, offices, departments, committees, legal,
legislative, and political bodies, etc., when standing alone: as,
school board, weather bureau, war office, health department,
nominating committee, assembly, state senate, lower house, city
=31. Prefixes "von," "de," etc
Do not capitalize the prefixes von,
de, di, le, la, etc., except when they begin a sentence: as,
Capt. von Papen.
=32. Toasts
In toasts, capitalize all the important words in the
phrase indicating the person, the place, or the cause to which the toast
is made: as, "My Country--May it always be right; but, right or wrong,
my country."
=33. Nouns Followed by Numerals
Do not capitalize a noun followed by
a numeral indicating position, place, or order of sequence: as, lot
14, block 3; article III, section 6, act v, etc.
=34. Resolutions for Debate
In resolutions for debate, capitalize the
Resolved and the That following.
Resolved, That Missouri should establish
schedules of minimum wages for workmen,
constitutionality conceded.
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