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Quiz Questions


11 What kind of accent is essential to every word of more than one syllable?

128 Should the voice agree in style with the different varieties of prose?

131 Is it correct to use the term verse in speaking of a division of prose?

15 What is the difference between the Latin Alphabet and the English?

151 Are there any exceptions to the meaning of the foregoing Prefixes and Postfixes?

181 Should a gesture be made while the eyes are looking on the book?

183 Should a Speaker begin to gesticulate as soon as he begins his discourse?

184 How many positions are recognized for the hand when not used in gesticulating?

194 Should a Reader or Speaker pay strict attention to the rules of elocution?

198 Should a Reader or Speaker drink any liquid while exercising the voice?

20 In changing the word traffic to trafficked, why supply the letter k?

208 What kind of Inflection is generally given to words of great emphasis?

209 When is the Inflection of a question changed from the falling to the rising?

21 Under how many Divisions should the subject of reading be treated?

21 Under what condition is a consonant never doubled at the end of a word?

210 In the introductory part of a sentence, where the sense is incomplete, what inflection is used?

211 The names of persons addressed in formal speech require what inflection?

213 For the sake of harmony, what principle should govern the reader?

214 When sentences commence with verbs, what inflection is required?

217 What inflection should be given to members of sentences connected disjunctively?

218 When several Emphatic words or members come together, how should they be inflected?

223 Are there any cases in which we can trace the reason for the accent?

227 Should there be any difference in the tone of voice used in reading verse and prose?

229 What is the greatest difficulty met with in reading or declaiming poetic selections?

231 Why should there be a short pause at the end of each line of poetry, even where the sense does not require it?

233 What rule should govern the reader in the use of pauses and accents?

234 What tone of voice should be used in reading a Simile in poetry?

235 What, with regard to the voice, is an important object to every speaker and reader?

243 In what kind of sentences is the Rotundity of the voice exemplified?

244 Which is the most difficult: to raise the voice to a higher pitch, or to bring it to a lower?

247 What are the principal styles of different reading selections?

248 What tone of voice should be used in reading a Descriptive selection?

249 What tone of voice is best adapted to the reading of a Narration?

251 What tone is best adapted to the reading of Moral and Religious selections?

253 What style and tone are best adapted to the reading of Dramatic selections?

254 What tone or character of voice is best suited to the rendering of Amusing selections?

255 Should all persons use the same tones of voice and style in reading selections?

26 Give some words spelled differently in the US and in England

27 When do words, ending in double e, drop one e on taking an additional syllable?

30 Are the rising and falling inflections both ever given to the same sound?

30 How are written words marked that are to be printed in Capitals?

31 How are written words marked that are to be printed in Italics?

31 In such words as Defense, which is correct, se or ce for the termination?

33 What effect does it have on the value of a letter to draw a line above it?

34 Are the words ox, calf, sheep, and pig of French or Saxon origin?

35 From what language do the words beef, veal, mutton, and pork come?

35 What effect does it have on a letter as a numeral to repeat it?

40 Where the sense is dependent, what inflection is generally used?

42 What kind of inflection should be used at the end of an interrogative sentence?

44 Name some compound word in which both parts retain their own accent

45 Why is the final E retained in such words as changeable and traceable?

5 What is the least number of vibrations that will produce an audible sound?

52 What inflection is given to the members of a commencing series?

53 What inflection is given to the members of a concluding series?

60 How many words of two syllables are changed from nouns to verbs by accent?

68 Does adding a single consonant to a word ever make an additional syllable?

71 How distinguish between an affix and a part of a compound word?

Are Letters ever used for reference?

Are the Combinations Mutes or Semivowels?

Are there any exceptions to these rules?

Are there any exceptions to these rules?

Are there any exceptions?

Are there any exceptions?

Are there any other names for the inverted t?

Are there any other uses of the Period?

Are there many Epic poems?

Are these marks ever doubled?

As a Numeral, what is the value of Q?

By what letters are the sounds of C represented?

By what other name are they known?

By whom used?

By whom used?

By whom used?

By whom used?

By whom used?

By whom used?

By whom used?

Can a word be compound and derivative at the same time?

Can all the vowels form syllables themselves?

Can the sounds of the Consonants be given alone?

Can there be a derivative word without an affix?

Can there be a syllable without it containing a vowel sound?

Can we spell by Rules?

Do all verses have the caesura pause?

Do the primary and secondary ever change places?

Do we ever have two sets of Antitheses in the same sentence?

Does Emphasis ever affect this rule?

Does Emphasis ever affect this rule?

Does Emphasis ever reverse this rule?

Does pluralizing a word ever change the accent?

For what is it adapted?

For what is the Dieresis used?

For what purpose?

From what is the word Orthography derived?

From what language are most words derived that end in less?

From what language do we get most of our Scientific terms?

General statements require what inflection?

Give a word in which P has the sound of B

Give an example

Give an example

Give an example

Give an example

Give an example of a Cognate letter

Give an example of Echo

Give an example of Emphatic accent

Give an example of the use of the Dieresis

Give date of "Middle English period"

Give date of "Modern English period"

Give date of "Old English period"

Give date of "Saxon period"

Give date of "SemiSaxon period"

Give example of Consonant Digraph

Give example of Consonant Tetragraph

Give example of Consonant Trigraph

Give example where y is marked with the Breve

Give examples

Give examples

Give examples of Historical derivation

Give examples of Paronymous derivation

Give examples of suspended words

Give examples where y is marked with the Macron

Give meaning ABCFM

Give one exception to Rule 13

Give Rule 1

Give Rule 1 for falling inflection

Give Rule 1 for the use of Italics

Give Rule 10

Give Rule 11

Give Rule 12

Give Rule 13

Give Rule 14

Give Rule 15

Give Rule 16

Give Rule 17

Give Rule 18

Give Rule 19

Give Rule 2

Give Rule 2

Give Rule 2

Give Rule 2

Give Rule 20

Give Rule 21

Give Rule 3

Give Rule 3

Give Rule 3

Give Rule 4

Give Rule 4

Give Rule 5

Give Rule 6

Give Rule 7

Give Rule 8

Give Rule 9

Give rule for E final

Give signification of AT

Give some examples

Give some examples

Give some words illustrating the use of the Macron

Give some words showing the use of the inverted t

Give the Numerical values of L

Give the Periodic changes of the English language

Give the values of T as a Numeral

Give words showing the use of the Breve

Give words showing the use of the SemiDieresis

Give words showing the use of the Tilde

Has the suffix Age any other signification?

Have all the letters Numerical value?

Have monosyllables any accent?

How are Emphatic words distinguished?

How are the Letters divided?

How are they divided in reference to origin?

How are words distinguished?

How are words divided as regards Specie?

How are words divided as to variety?

How are words divided in reference to form?

How can the natural tone of voice be strengthened?

How close can primary and secondary accent come together?

How do we know when we have spelled a word correctly?

How is such inflection marked?

How many accent marks are there?

How many begin with im?

How many begin with un?

How many different kinds of Force?

How many Digraphs are there?

How many do the Combinations represent?

How many do the Consonants represent?

How many do the Diphthongs represent?

How many Elementary sounds do the vowels represent?

How many Elementary sounds in the English Language?

How many English words begin with IN as a prefix?

How many Figures are there?

How many forms have letters?

How many in the Latin Alphabet?

How many kinds of accent?

How many kinds of Aphthongs?

How many kinds of Artificial Language?

How many kinds of Circumflex?

How many kinds of common accent?

How many kinds of Consonants are there?

How many kinds of Delivery are there?

How many kinds of Derivation?

How many kinds of Derivatives are there?

How many kinds of Diphthongs are there?

How many kinds of Emphasis?

How many kinds of Inflection are there?

How many kinds of letters are used to denote emphasis?

How many kinds of metrical language?

How many kinds of Movement?

How many kinds of Oratory are there?

How many kinds of pauses are there?

How many kinds of Poetry are there?

How many kinds of punctuation are there?

How many kinds of Reading are there?

How many kinds of Rhyme?

How many kinds of Series?

How many kinds of Spelling?

How many kinds of Stress?

How many kinds of style in reading?

How many letters in the Chinese Alphabet?

How many letters in the English Alphabet?

How many letters in the English Phonetic Alphabet?

How many letters were in the original Alphabet?

How many methods of Syllabication are there?

How many of the English words are derived from the Latin?

How many primary accents can one word have?

How many Root words in the English language?

How many rules should be observed in the use of the Caesura?

How many secondary accents can a word have?

How many sets of Antitheses may be used in one sentence?

How many sounds do they represent?

How many sounds has A?

How many sounds has B?

How many sounds has C?

How many sounds has Ch?

How many sounds has D?

How many sounds has E?

How many sounds has F?

How many sounds has G?

How many sounds has H?

How many sounds has I?

How many sounds has J?

How many sounds has K?

How many sounds has L?

How many sounds has M?

How many sounds has N?

How many sounds has Ng?

How many sounds has O?

How many sounds has P?

How many sounds has R?

How many sounds has S?

How many sounds has Sh?

How many sounds has T?

How many sounds has Th?

How many sounds has U?

How many sounds has V?

How many sounds has W?

How many sounds has Wh?

How many sounds has X?

How many sounds has Z?

How many sounds has Zh?

How many Substitutes has a broad?

How many Substitutes has a long?

How many Substitutes has a middle?

How many Substitutes has Ch?

How many Substitutes has e long?

How many Substitutes has e short?

How many Substitutes has F?

How many Substitutes has i long?

How many Substitutes has i short?

How many Substitutes has J?

How many substitutes has Ng?

How many Substitutes has o long?

How many Substitutes has o short?

How many Substitutes has S?

How many Substitutes has Sh?

How many Substitutes has T?

How many Substitutes has u long?

How many Substitutes has u medial?

How many Substitutes has u short?

How many Substitutes has V?

How many Substitutes has W?

How many Substitutes has X?

How many Substitutes has Y?

How many Substitutes has Z?

How many Substitutes has Zh?

How many syllables can a word have?

How many Tetragraphs are there?

How many Trigraphs are there?

How many uses has the Hyphen?

How many uses has the Tilde?

How many uses have Silent letters?

How many words contain all the vowels in regular order?

How many words end in Ceed?

How many words in the English language?

How may a high key be acquired?

How may distinct Articulation be acquired?

How may low tones be acquired?

How may the Compass of the voice be increased?

How may the meaning of a word be changed?

How should the Parenthesis be read?

Illustrate the use of the Caret

Illustrate the use of the Cedilla

Illustrate the use of the Dieresis

Imperative sentences have what inflection?

In all words ending in ation, where is the accent?

In case of two secondary accents, where are they placed?

In case of two secondary, where is the primary accent?

In changing the word hoe to hoeing, why retain the e?

In faulty articulation what sounds are usually mispronounced?

In order to accomplish this, what should the Reader do?

In polysyllables, where is the accent?

In the words fleeing, seeing, etc, why retain both Es?

In trisyllables, what syllable is accented?

In using Affixes, what rule should be observed?

In what kind of language are gestures inappropriate?

In what situation is gh always silent?

In what word is Z silent?

In what words is V silent?

In words of two syllables, where is the accent?

Is A as a prefix ever redundant?

Is a line ever drawn beneath a letter for the same purpose?

Is a Satire personal?

Is A the first letter of all written alphabets?

Is a whole Phrase ever made emphatic?

Is B the second letter of all alphabets?

Is double A ever written together as a word?

Is the Caret used in printed copy or manuscript?

Is the English a perfect Alphabet?

Is the English Alphabet Equivocal or Unequivocal?

Is the English Language natural or artificial?

Is the letter y ever marked by Diacritical Marks?

Is the same rule to be observed in forming Compound words?

Is the word outrun compound or derivative?

Is the word outside compound or derivative?

Is there any exception to this rule?

Is there any other rhythmic pause than the Caesura?

Is there any Phonetic Alphabet of the English Language?

Is Z the last letter of all alphabets?

Make the Diacritical Marks in the order named:

May the terms Digraph, etc, be used with the Consonants?

Name all the prefixes meaning To

Name all the Vowels

Name four common faults in Articulation

Name some new words

Name some of the passions of the mind

Name some point of difference

Name some Significant gestures of the eyes

Name some Significant gestures of the head

Name some word in which one part loses its accent

Name the Aspirates

Name the Consonant Combinations

Name the Consonant letters

Name the Diacritical Marks

Name the Diphthongs

Name the Explodents

Name the greatest Dramatic writer of the English

Name the Mutes

Name the Organical divisions

Name the points used in Reference punctuation

Name the Semivowels

Name the Subvocals

Name the three Epics of greatest note

Name the two Orders of the Consonants

Name them

Name them

Name them

Name them

Name them

Name them

Name two noted Didactic poems

Negative sentences require what kind of inflection?

Of what does Orthography treat?

Of what is a word composed?

Should a Reader keep his eyes on the book constantly?

Should words of English origin end in ise or ize?

Spell all of the Consonants

To what does Stress relate?

To whom does it belong to determine and record such usage?

Were final E not silent, what would be the result?

What Alphabet has the greatest number of letters?

What are Affixes?

What are Aspirates?

What are Barbarisms?

What are Cognate letters?

What are Dentals?

What are Descriptive gestures?

What are Diacritical Marks?

What are Equivalent letters?

What are Explodents?

What are Hybrid words?

What are Labials?

What are Linguals?

What are Mutes?

What are Palatals?

What are Pauses?

What are Quiescent letters?

What are regular sounds?

What are Semivowels?

What are Sibilants?

What are Significant gestures?

What are some of the essential qualities of a good Reader?

What are some of the varieties of Prose?

What are Sonnets?

What are Subvocals?

What are Synonyms?

What are the elements of spoken language?

What are the messengers of thought?

What are the most prominent Elements of all words?

What are the Natural Divisions of Consonants?

What are the Numerical values of M?

What are the Numerical values of Z?

What are the principal Etymological points?

What are the principle organs of speech?

What are the significant parts of a word?

What are the sounds called?

What are the uses of the Breve?

What are the values of X as a Numeral?

What are these letters called?

What are they

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are they?

What are Travels?

What are Unarticulate sounds?

What are Vowels?

What attitude should be used in reading and speaking?

What causes the exceptions?

What causes these changes?

What changes the sound of a vowel from long to short?

What Combination is both Aspirate and Subvocal?

What combinations have no Substitutes?

What Consonants are often incorrectly dropped?

What constitutes a Period in Language?

What determines Accent?

What different style ought to be used?

What does Ab signify?

What does An signify?

What does Ana signify?

What does Ant signify?

What does Anti signify?

What does Ary signify?

What does Ate signify?

What does Be signify?

What does Bis signify?

What does Circum signify?

What does Di signify?

What does Dys signify?

What does Ed signify?

What does Ene signify?

What does Enter signify?

What does Epi signify?

What does Erly signify?

What does Es signify?

What does Escent signify?

What does Esque signify?

What does Ess signify?

What does Est signify?

What does Expression comprehend?

What does Extra signify?

What does Gain signify?

What does Head signify?

What does Hyper signify?

What does Hypo signify?

What does Ics signify?

What does Ides signify?

What does Ina signify?

What does Ing signify?

What does Intra signify?

What does Ion signify?

What does Ique signify?

What does Isk signify?

What does Ism signify?

What does it express?

What does it express?

What does Ite signify?

What does Ive signify?

What does Ix signify?

What does Kin signify?

What does Kind signify?

What does Less signify?

What does Ling signify?

What does Ly signify?

What does Mal signify?

What does Ment signify?

What does Mis signify?

What does Most signify?

What does Ness signify?

What does Non signify?

What does Ob signify?

What does Ock signify?

What does Oct signify?

What does Oid signify?

What does Omni signify?

What does On signify?

What does Or signify?

What does Ory signify?

What does Ot signify?

What does Ous signify?

What does Over signify?

What does Ovi signify?

What does Para signify?

What does Paradise Lost describe?

What does Per signify?

What does Peri signify?

What does Pitch signify?

What does Pleni signify?

What does Post signify?

What does Pre signify?

What does Pros signify?

What does Quad signify?

What does Quantity embrace?

What does Re signify?

What does Re signify?

What does Red signify?

What does Retro signify?

What does Ric signify?

What does Ry signify?

What does San signify?

What does Se signify?

What does Se signify?

What does Ship signify?

What does Sine signify?

What does Some signify?

What does Ster signify?

What does Stereo signify?

What does Sub signify?

What does Suf signify?

What does Super signify?

What does Supra signify?

What does Sur signify?

What does Teen signify?

What does the Aeneid narrate?

What does the Dieresis indicate?

What does the Iliad describe or narrate?

What does the Macron indicate?

What does the prefix Ab signify?

What does the suffix Ster signify?

What does the suffix Y signify?

What does the word England mean?

What does Tra signify?

What does Trans signify?

What does Ty signify?

What does Ude signify?

What does UK signify?

What does Ule signify?

What does Ultra signify?

What does Un signify?

What does Ve signify?

What does VG signify?

What does Vice signify?

What does VR signify?

What does Ward signify?

What does Ways signify?

What does With signify?

What does Xmas signify?

What does Xt signify?

What does Yt signify?

What effect do Stimulants have on the voice?

What effect does final E have on the preceding vowel?

What effect does Tobacco have on the voice?

What establishes a rule for Capitals?

What is a Capital letter?

What is a Climax?

What is a Coalescent?

What is a Commencing Series?

What is a common fault with most public speakers?

What is a Compound word?

What is a Concluding Series?

What is a Consonant?

What is a Derivative word?

What is a Didactic poem?

What is a Diphthong?

What is a Discourse?

What is a Drama called that is set to music?

What is a Dramatic poem?

What is a Figure of orthography?

What is a good method to break up this habit?

What is a good rule by which to govern the voice?

What is a Guttural sound?

What is a Lampoon?

What is a Letter as a variety of prose?

What is a Letter?

What is a Lexicographer?

What is a Lexicon?

What is a long syllable?

What is a Melodrama?

What is a Mongrel compound word?

What is a Monotone?

What is a new word?

What is a Parenthesis in reading?

What is a Pastoral poem?

What is a Perfect Alphabet?

What is a Perfect rhyme?

What is a Phonetic Alphabet?

What is a Postfix?

What is a Prefix?

What is a Primitive word?

What is a Radical word?

What is a Redundant prefix?

What is a Regular derivative?

What is a regular Triphthong?

What is a Rhetorical pause?

What is a Satire?

What is a Sentence?

What is a Series?

What is a short syllable?

What is a Simple Series in reading?

What is a simple Vocal sound?

What is a Simple word?

What is a Sonant sound?

What is a Stanza?

What is a Substitute?

What is a Suffix?

What is a Syllable?

What is a Synonymicon?

What is a Tetragraph?

What is a Trigraph?

What is a Univocal Alphabet?

What is a Verse?

What is a Vocal sound?

What is a word of more than three syllables called?

What is a word of one syllable called?

What is a word of three syllables called?

What is a word of two syllables called?

What is a Word?

What is Aa the name of?

What is Absolute emphasis?

What is Accent in reading?

What is Accent?

What is an abbreviation?

What is an Affix?

What is an Alphabet of a Language?

What is an Alphabetic Language?

What is an Anacoluthic word?

What is an Aphthong?

What is an Articulate sound?

What is an Elegy?

What is an Elementary sound?

What is an Epic poem?

What is an Epitaph?

What is an Equivocal Alphabet?

What is an Essay?

What is an Exclamation?

What is an Ideographical language?

What is an Idiomatic word?

What is an Imperfect Alphabet?

What is an Imperfect rhyme?

What is an Improper Diphthong?

What is an Interrogation?

What is an Irregular derivative?

What is an irregular derivative?

What is an irregular sound?

What is an Italic letter?

What is an Obsolete word?

What is an Unequivocal Alphabet?

What is Analysis?

What is Anticlimax?

What is Antithesis?

What is Antithetic emphasis?

What is Archaism?

What is Articulation?

What is Artificial Language?

What is assimilation of Consonants?

What is Audible Reading?

What is Blank Verse?

What is Cadence?

What is common accent?

What is Dactylology?

What is Declamation?

What is Derivation?

What is diction?

What is Discriminating accent?

What is Elocution?

What is Emphasis?

What is Emphatic accent?

What is Emphatic repetition?

What is Enunciation?

What is Etymological punctuation?

What is Etymology?

What is Extempore oratory?

What is Force?

What is Gesture?

What is Historical derivation?

What is History?

What is Inflection?

What is it that constitutes the melody of a poem?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is it?

What is its place in the Greek alphabet?

What is its place in the Hebrew?

What is Language?

What is Lexicology?

What is Lyric Poetry?

What is meant by a Compound Series?

What is meant by a Foot in verse?

What is meant by a reputable word?

What is meant by an Echo in reading?

What is meant by an Element of Speech?

What is meant by Antecedent part of a syllable?

What is meant by good usage?

What is meant by idiom?

What is meant by Organical division of the consonants?

What is meant by Prose?

What is meant by Quantity?

What is meant by Rotundity of the voice?

What is meant by style of letters?

What is meant by suspended animation of a word?

What is meant by the Compass of the voice?

What is meant by the natural key or pitch?

What is meant by the Numerical value of letters?

What is meant by the term "Good Bye"?

What is meant by Transition?

What is Meditative Poetry?

What is Mimesis?

What is Modulation?

What is Movement?

What is Natural Language?

What is Oratory?

What is Orthoepy?

What is Orthogeny?

What is Orthographic spelling?

What is Orthography?

What is Paronymous derivation?

What is Personation?

What is Philology?

What is Phonic spelling?

What is Phonology?

What is Poetry?

What is Prepared oratory?

What is primary accent?

What is Pronunciation?

What is Prosody?

What is punctuation for the Printer?

What is Punctuation?

What is Pure tone?

What is Quality?

What is Reading?

What is Reference punctuation?

What is Relative emphasis?

What is Rhetorical punctuation?

What is Rhyme?

What is Rule 1 for the use of Capitals?

What is secondary accent?

What is Silent Reading?

What is Sound?

What is Speaking?

What is spelling of Z in England?

What is Spelling?

What is Spoken Language?

What is Suspensive quantity?

What is Syllabication?

What is Syntax?

What is Synthesis?

What is Terminology?

What is the Antepenultimate syllable?

What is the Aspirated tone?

What is the Base of a Compound word?

What is the Base of a Derivative word?

What is the best method of strengthening the natural key?

What is the Caesura pause?

What is the Consequent part of a syllable?

What is the difference between a Letter and its Name?

What is the Emphatic pause?

What is the essential part of a syllable?

What is the Falling Circumflex?

What is the Falling inflection?

What is the greatest number that can be heard?

What is the Guttural quality?

What is the meaning of Cis?

What is the meaning of DCL?

What is the meaning of FES?

What is the Modifier in a Compound word?

What is the Modifier in a Derivative word?

What is the name of a Letter?

What is the Numerical value of A?

What is the Numerical value of B?

What is the Numerical value of C?

What is the Numerical value of D?

What is the Numerical value of E?

What is the Numerical value of F?

What is the Numerical value of G?

What is the Numerical value of H?

What is the Numerical value of I?

What is the Numerical value of K?

What is the Numerical value of O?

What is the Numerical value of P?

What is the Numerical value of R?

What is the Numerical value of S?

What is the Numerical value of V?

What is the object of the American method?

What is the object of the English method?

What is the origin of the suffix less?

What is the origin of the word Alphabet?

What is the origin of the word English?

What is the Orotund?

What is the Penultimate syllable?

What is the Preantepenultimate syllable?

What is the Pythagorean letter?

What is the Rising Circumflex?

What is the Rising inflection?

What is the rule for Digraphs?

What is the signification AAA?

What is the signification of A as a Prefix?

What is the signification of ACS?

What is the signification of Age?

What is the signification of AngSax?

What is the signification of Ante?

What is the signification of AUC?

What is the signification of CAS?

What is the signification of CC?

What is the signification of Celli?

What is the signification of DM?

What is the signification of Eous?

What is the signification of Er?

What is the signification of Eu?

What is the signification of Hex?

What is the signification of HRIP?

What is the signification of Im?

What is the signification of Inter?

What is the signification of Ior?

What is the signification of Ish?

What is the signification of Juxta?

What is the signification of LCJ?

What is the signification of Meta?

What is the signification of Mono?

What is the signification of Nu?

What is the signification of Out?

What is the signification of Pa?

What is the signification of Pene?

What is the signification of Preter?

What is the signification of Pro?

What is the signification of Proto?

What is the signification of Pv?

What is the signification of Qy?

What is the signification of Ress?

What is the signification of Ro?

What is the signification of SJC?

What is the signification of SRI?

What is the signification of STP?

What is the signification of the suffix Art?

What is the signification of Tri?

What is the signification of Tude?

What is the signification of Under?

What is the signification of USS?

What is the signification of YB?

What is the signification of Zo[:o]l?

What is the signification SCL?

What is the Slur?

What is the Soul of Oratory?

What is the source of the greatest defect in Articulation?

What is the Trembling tone?

What is the Ultimate syllable of a word?

What is the use of the Acute accent?

What is the use of the Apostrophe?

What is the use of the Breve?

What is the use of the Caret as a Diacritical Mark?

What is the use of the Caret?

What is the use of the Circumflex?

What is the use of the Circumflex?

What is the use of the Grave accent?

What is the use of the inverted [T]?

What is the use of the Macron?

What is the use of the Monotones?

What is the use of the Period?

What is the use of the SemiDieresis?

What is the value of N as a Numeral?

What is Vocal Culture?

What is Voice?

What is Written Language?

What key of the voice should be most diligently improved?

What kind of a mark is the Tilde?

What kind of Gesture is most appropriate?

What kind of new words should be avoided?

What kind of words end in ise?

What kind of words end in ize?

What kind of words have no accent?

What kind of words require opposite inflection?

What language has two letters representing the sound of Z?

What Language is called "Our mother tongue?"

What language were these poems written in?

What letter ends no English word?

What letter is called the Mute Sibilant?

What letter is omitted in the word o'clock?

What letter is the sonorous counterpart of S?

What letter is the Sonorous counterpart of T?

What letters are called Liquids?

What letters are called Nasals?

What letters are called the pivots?

What letters are called the Twins?

What letters are never doubled?

What letters are never silent?

What letters are never silent?

What letters have no Organical classification?

What letters have no Substitutes?

What Letters name themselves?

What letters of themselves form words?

What letters represent no sound of their own?

What letters represent the sound of Q?

What letters represent the sound X?

What makes a rule in Orthography?

What mark is used to cancel silent letters?

What marks are used for y?

What meaning is always suggested by the Circumflex?

What number is A in the Abyssinian alphabet?

What number is B in the Ethiopic?

What other prefix means the same as Intra?

What other prefix means the same?

What other prefixes signify Not?

What other signification has With in some words?

What other suffixes also signify Little?

What other term is often applied to the Mutes?

What other term is often applied to the Semivowels?

What other way may the syllables be described?

What prefix signifies Equal?

What prefixes signify Against?

What prefixes signify Half?

What prefixes signify Many?

What prefixes signify Not or In?

What prefixes signify Out of, or From?

What prefixes signify Right?

What prefixes signify Together?

What prefixes signify With?

What properties do Substitutes assume?

What quality of voice is mostly used in speaking and reading?

What should be characteristic of the Argumentative style?

What should be characteristic of the Descriptive style?

What should be the primary object in Audible reading?

What should characterize the Exhortative?

What should characterize the Narrative?

What should we call such division?

What style is best adapted to Didactic reading?

What style is the best adapted to Senatorial reading?

What suffixes signify "able to be"?

What suffixes signify rank, or office?

What the Persuasive?

What tone of voice should be used in the expression of Love?

What tone of voice should be used to express Anger?

What was the first Alphabet ever used?

What was the last letter added to the English Alphabet?

What word contains a consonant Tetragraph?

When has R a rough sound?

When is B silent?

When is C followed by K in spelling?

When is C silent?

When is Ch silent?

When is D silent?

When is final E dropped in spelling?

When is G silent?

When is Gh silent?

When is H silent?

When is i used as a consonant?

When is ie changed to y?

When is L silent?

When is M silent?

When is N silent?

When is our diction pure?

When is P silent?

When is S silent?

When is T silent?

When is ue final, silent?

When is V silent?

When is W silent?

When is y final changed to e?

When is y final changed to i?

When is Z silent?

When melody comes in contact with accent, which should yield?

When should the Hyphen be used in a compound word?

When use a, and when an, in a sentence?

When use ie in spelling?

When use Oh?

When use the Dieresis instead of the Hyphen?

When use the digraph ei in spelling?

When use the hyphen in Compound words?

When use the Interjection O?

When was the letter W first used?

Where did the Alphabet originate?

Where did the other letters originate?

Where else is the Period used?

Where is the best place to practice elocution and reading?

Where is the Cedilla used?

Where is the Tilde used?

Which hand should hold the book?

Which ones are Separable?

Which sounds should be practiced first?

Who were the Angles?

Why are the Liquids so called?

Why are they so called?

Why are they so named?

Why called Consonants?

Why do Consonants ever unite?

Why do words in the English language become obsolete?

Why have J, U, W, and Y no Numerical values?

Why is a word divided into syllables?

Why is c placed before r in acre, massacre, etc?

Why is our language sometimes called the "Teutonic language"?

Why is the English called a Composite Language?

Why is the word Humbugged spelt with two g's?

Why is X never doubled?

Why so called?

Why so called?

Why was it called W?


